ReSonance, 'Nicolae Mantu' Art Gallery 2019
この展覧会はRoland Pangrati氏による絵画とEugen Dan Dragoi氏にの手によって作曲された音楽が共鳴し合い、ひとつに融合し、唯一の宇宙空間を創り上げました。 展覧会のテーマである「ReSonance」はつまりResonance共鳴であり、敢えて「ReSonance」とすることで送信”Re”(Reply)つまり、アーティストが人々に向けて発信し、問い掛けるという意味を持たせて名付けられました。 この展覧会で絵画と音楽そして皆様が共鳴し合い、創造の世界を体感してくださればと願っております。 このたび展示されます絵画は、屏風仕立てのパネルの上に現代的かつ日本画の技法を取り入れて表現しております。
Exhibition Curator - Hiroko Narizuka, Tokyo Japan
Exhibition Curator - Hiroko Narizuka, Tokyo Japan
I am Hiroko Narizuka, who works as a curator for this exhibition "ReSonance". Thank you very much for coming the exhibition by Roland Pangrati.
Last year Roland Pangrati stayed in Japan for two months and he touched on various traditional Japanese culture and arts. And his rich sensibility was stimulated and he was fascinated by Japanese paintings.
Japanese painting has developed in Japan. And it is a traditional style painting with a thousand years of history.
It uses traditional pigments, paper, and silk, and uses different techniques from Western painting.
The biggest work of this exhibition is a magnificent scale painting with 12 panels connected.This painting depicts symbolic of Japan such as Rising Sun, Mt. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and a map of Japan and world ’s most precious tea bowls (Yohen Tenmoku).
I am convinced that everyone can feel his passion for Japanese Paintings from paintings of this exhibition.I would be very happy if everyone could know Japanese art and Japanese country from his artworks.
I hope that everyone resonates with the world of the exhibition "ReSonance".
I sincerely thank everyone.
Exhibition Curator - Hiroko Narizuka, Tokyo Japan
Last year Roland Pangrati stayed in Japan for two months and he touched on various traditional Japanese culture and arts. And his rich sensibility was stimulated and he was fascinated by Japanese paintings.
Japanese painting has developed in Japan. And it is a traditional style painting with a thousand years of history.
It uses traditional pigments, paper, and silk, and uses different techniques from Western painting.
The biggest work of this exhibition is a magnificent scale painting with 12 panels connected.This painting depicts symbolic of Japan such as Rising Sun, Mt. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and a map of Japan and world ’s most precious tea bowls (Yohen Tenmoku).
I am convinced that everyone can feel his passion for Japanese Paintings from paintings of this exhibition.I would be very happy if everyone could know Japanese art and Japanese country from his artworks.
I hope that everyone resonates with the world of the exhibition "ReSonance".
I sincerely thank everyone.
Exhibition Curator - Hiroko Narizuka, Tokyo Japan